Pre-primary Education
Pre-primary education in Turkey is optional and is offered by kindergartens, nurseries, daycare centers, and other child-care institutions. Children aged 3 to 6 may attend these pre-primary schools. In Turkey, there are private as well as state preschools.
Primary Education (In Turkish: İlkoğretim Okulu)
Primary education in Turkey is for children aged 6 to 14. This educational level is mandatory to attend and is divided into two levels:
Level 1: First School (İlkokul 1. Kademe): The duration of this level is four years and covers grades 1 to 4.
Level 2: The duration of this level is four years and covers grades 5 to 8.
Subjects: In grades 1 to 3, there are four core subjects: Mathematics, Turkish, foreign language, and life sciences (Hayat Bilgisi). In grade 4, science and social studies are taught instead of life sciences.
Certificate: Students who complete their primary school studies are awarded a primary education diploma.
Secondary Education
Secondary education in Turkey is optional for children aged 15 to 17/18. This education is offered by high schools (Lise). The Government is responsible for these schools, and education in these schools is free. The duration of secondary education is four years.
Secondary education in Turkey comprises general, vocational, and technical education. This educational level prepares students for higher education or a vocation.
General secondary education: Children aged 15 to 17 may attend general secondary education. This secondary educational level consists of high schools, Anatolia fine arts high schools, high schools of foreign language teaching, Anatolian High Schools, science high schools, and Anatolia teacher training high schools.
Vocational and technical secondary education: This secondary educational level prepares students for a particular profession or higher education. This secondary educational level consists of technical education schools for boys, religious education schools, technical education schools for girls, health education schools, trade and tourism schools, special education schools, multi-program high schools, and private education schools.
Examination: At the end of secondary education, students must sit for a high school finishing exam. Students who pass this examination are allowed to sit for the University Entrance Exam. Students who pass the university exam can apply to higher education institutions in Turkey.